Holistic Health and Bodywork

Massage Therapy, Thai Yoga Bodywork, Herbal Apothecary, Ayurveda, Yoga and Pilates

Ayurvedic Health

What is Ayurvedic Medicine? ​

 Ayurveda is one of most comprehensive holistic healing systems and oldest health care system in the world with roots going back 5,000 years.  This system of medicine recognizes individual mind/body types called doshas. It says that everyone is born with their own natural balance which influences all aspects of their life, including body structure, emotional make-up and predisposition to illness. When we understand our own natural state of balance, we can make choices to reduce the stress in our lives and find the most optimal and natural state of well-being and joy in our physical, mental and emotional bodies.

 Ayurveda looks at the root causes of a disease or imbalance, the current or long term symptoms and creates individualized treatment programs. Ayurveda looks at the whole person, including the physical, mental and emotional well-being. Treatments may include dietary changes specific for you, lifestyle adjustments (slow steady change is encouraged), herbs and ayurvedic, yoga, pranayama and meditation practices and techniques to help reduce stress and anxiety and bring a greater state of harmony into your body.  


Ayurvedic Health Counseling 

During an Initial Ayurvedic Health Consultation, we will talk about your long term physical, mental, emotional and physical functional characteristics to determine your Prakruti (Original Creation or your constitution-the percentage of each of the five elements within you that does not change). For example: What had your digestion been like most of your life? Your appetite? What happens when you miss a meal? Do you prefer to be a leader or a supporter? What is your typical reaction when things get stressful?  How has your sleep been? Shape of your eyes, nose, face, etc?   

Then we will talk about your current symptoms and everything that feels out of balance to determine your Vikruti (your current state or which elements are out of balance)  

After the initial consult, you will receive a report about your Constitution, your imbalances and your treatment plan. I will go over your treatment plan with you on your second visit.   Treatment plans may include a recommended and detailed food list, herbs, yoga postures, meditations, breathing practices, morning and/or evening routines, lifestyle changes and more.   

I enjoy helping people with a wide variety of imbalances but I specialize in helping others with anxiety, depression, eating disorder recovery, headaches, insomnia, fatigue, lack of focus and drive, pain, weight problems, digestive complaints, hormonal imbalances, pre-natal and post-natal complaints, menopause, skin problems, and mood swings.  

75 Min Ayurvedic Initial Consultation: $130

60 Minute Ayurvedic Follow Up:   $105

45 Minute Ayurvedic Follow Up: $80

         30 Minute Ayurvedic Follow Up: $55          


Ayurvedic and Health Coaching Program



  •  75 minute Initial Consult
  •  one 60 minute follow up
  •  three 30 minute follow ups
  •  unlimited email check ins with questions throughout the duration of the program
  • unlimited use of all pre-recorded yoga and health classes on my website for the duration of your package. 
  • A personalized and detailed Food and herb list with foods recommended specifically for you and foods that might be best for you to avoid
  • Guidance on Yoga, pilates, meditation, pranayama and other health and wellness practices to best support you right now. 
  • Morning and evening routines to include at home
  • An education on the principles of Ayurveda and how they can help you feel better!



Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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